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Zahnriemenwechsel Chrysler ES 2.5

ich würde bei meinem Chrysler ES 2.5 71kw gerne den Zahnriemen und die Wapu tauschen lassen, da die Pumpe wohl nicht mehr alle Zähne an der Welle hat.....
Soweit ich weiss ist das der LeBaron Motor?
Der ES ist nach langem googlen wohl recht baugleich mit dem Dodge Shadow....
ich würde bei meinem Chrysler ES 2.5 71kw gerne den Zahnriemen und die Wapu tauschen lassen, da die Pumpe wohl nicht mehr alle Zähne an der Welle hat.....
Soweit ich weiss ist das der LeBaron Motor?
Der ES ist nach langem googlen wohl recht baugleich mit dem Dodge Shadow....
Du kannst mir nicht mit deinen Fremdwörtern imprägnieren!
... und wie lautet jetzt deine Frage?
Der Motor ist dann wohl der 2,5l TBI SOHC 4 cyl. Das Baujahr von deinem Wagen wäre auch noch interessant gewesen.
Na ja, hier mal eine englische Beschreibung:
# Disconnect the negative battery cable.
# Remove the timing belt cover, as described earlier in this section.
# Remove the A/C compressor with the fluid lines attached. For more information, refer to Chassis Electrical . Set the compressor aside.
# Remove the alternator pivot bolt and remove the alternator.
# Remove the A/C compressor belt idler unit.
# Position a hydraulic floor jack under the engine. Place a long block of wood between the floor jack lifting pad and the oil pan to spread the load of the engine in such a way that the oil pan will not be damaged. Raise the engine only until its weight is taken up by the floor jack, then remove the main through-bolt from the right engine mount-the one that is situated near the timing cover.
# Remove the five A/C solid mount bracket side mounting bolts (No. 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7). Remove the front mounting nut (No. 2) and remove the front bolt (No. 3). Remove the front mounting bolt and strut, rotate the solid mount bracket away from the engine and slide the bracket on stud until free. Remove the spacer from the stud.
# Raise the engine slightly more for access to the crankshaft sprocket.
# Using the larger bolt on the crankshaft pulley, turn the engine until the No. 1 cylinder is at TDC of the compression stroke. At this point the valves for the No. 1 cylinder will be closed and the timing mark will be aligned with the pointer on the flywheel housing. Make sure that the dots on the camshaft sprocket and cylinder head are aligned.
# Loosen the tensioner pulley center nut. Then, rotate the large hex counterclockwise to reduce belt tension. Now, slide the belt off the tensioner pulley, then the crankshaft, auxiliary shaft and camshaft pulleys.
und noch ein paar Bilder dazu
After raising the vehicle, remove the right inner splash shield from the vehicle
After removing the attaching bolts, pull the pulleys off of the flanges-no puller tool is necessary
Timing belt cover attaching fasteners for non-Turbo III models
Support the engine with a floor jack, then remove the engine mount through-bolt
Rotate the crankshaft until the engine is at TDC for No. 1 cylinder, then matchmark the sprockets
When at TDC, the camshaft sprocket hole should be at 12 o'clock
Loosen the timing belt idler pulley, then remove the belt
After the belt is removed, the idler pulley can also be removed
Before installing the timing belt, make sure that the engine block and sprockets' timing marks are aligned-the crankshaft and intermediate shaft timing marks should be aligned as shown
Use Special Tool C-4703 to tension the timing belt-the tool should drop to within 15 degrees of the horizontal
To double check the engine timing, position the engine at TDC for No. 1 cylinder on compression stroke, then remove the small timing hole plug-the small hole in the sprocket must be centered in the timing belt cover hole
Exploded view of the solid mount compressor bracket and related torque values
Der Motor ist dann wohl der 2,5l TBI SOHC 4 cyl. Das Baujahr von deinem Wagen wäre auch noch interessant gewesen.
Na ja, hier mal eine englische Beschreibung:
# Disconnect the negative battery cable.
# Remove the timing belt cover, as described earlier in this section.
# Remove the A/C compressor with the fluid lines attached. For more information, refer to Chassis Electrical . Set the compressor aside.
# Remove the alternator pivot bolt and remove the alternator.
# Remove the A/C compressor belt idler unit.
# Position a hydraulic floor jack under the engine. Place a long block of wood between the floor jack lifting pad and the oil pan to spread the load of the engine in such a way that the oil pan will not be damaged. Raise the engine only until its weight is taken up by the floor jack, then remove the main through-bolt from the right engine mount-the one that is situated near the timing cover.
# Remove the five A/C solid mount bracket side mounting bolts (No. 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7). Remove the front mounting nut (No. 2) and remove the front bolt (No. 3). Remove the front mounting bolt and strut, rotate the solid mount bracket away from the engine and slide the bracket on stud until free. Remove the spacer from the stud.
# Raise the engine slightly more for access to the crankshaft sprocket.
# Using the larger bolt on the crankshaft pulley, turn the engine until the No. 1 cylinder is at TDC of the compression stroke. At this point the valves for the No. 1 cylinder will be closed and the timing mark will be aligned with the pointer on the flywheel housing. Make sure that the dots on the camshaft sprocket and cylinder head are aligned.
# Loosen the tensioner pulley center nut. Then, rotate the large hex counterclockwise to reduce belt tension. Now, slide the belt off the tensioner pulley, then the crankshaft, auxiliary shaft and camshaft pulleys.
und noch ein paar Bilder dazu
After raising the vehicle, remove the right inner splash shield from the vehicle
After removing the attaching bolts, pull the pulleys off of the flanges-no puller tool is necessary
Timing belt cover attaching fasteners for non-Turbo III models
Support the engine with a floor jack, then remove the engine mount through-bolt
Rotate the crankshaft until the engine is at TDC for No. 1 cylinder, then matchmark the sprockets
When at TDC, the camshaft sprocket hole should be at 12 o'clock
Loosen the timing belt idler pulley, then remove the belt
After the belt is removed, the idler pulley can also be removed
Before installing the timing belt, make sure that the engine block and sprockets' timing marks are aligned-the crankshaft and intermediate shaft timing marks should be aligned as shown
Use Special Tool C-4703 to tension the timing belt-the tool should drop to within 15 degrees of the horizontal
To double check the engine timing, position the engine at TDC for No. 1 cylinder on compression stroke, then remove the small timing hole plug-the small hole in the sprocket must be centered in the timing belt cover hole
Exploded view of the solid mount compressor bracket and related torque values
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