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Was ist ein A Gasser?

Fast jedem ist bestimmt schon mal das Wort A Gasser zu Ohren gekommen, der sich für US Cars interessiert.
Doch ich muss zugeben das ich die Definition oder Bedeutung nie wusste. Das einzige womit ich A Gasser definierne ist das es Modelle aus dem 40, 50, 60 sind die meistens keine Stoßstange Vorne haben und auch recht hochgelegen sind mit dicken Schlappen hinten an der Achse. Dazu kommt noch das ein Blower aus der Haube rausragt und die Motor nach hinten abfällt und die Krümmer im Radhaus durchblitzen. Eben so was!
Jetzt hab ich eine Interessante Definition gefunden und möchte sie euch nicht vor enthallten.
Gruß DrOlds
Fahrzeuge von DrOlds:

Doch ich muss zugeben das ich die Definition oder Bedeutung nie wusste. Das einzige womit ich A Gasser definierne ist das es Modelle aus dem 40, 50, 60 sind die meistens keine Stoßstange Vorne haben und auch recht hochgelegen sind mit dicken Schlappen hinten an der Achse. Dazu kommt noch das ein Blower aus der Haube rausragt und die Motor nach hinten abfällt und die Krümmer im Radhaus durchblitzen. Eben so was!
Jetzt hab ich eine Interessante Definition gefunden und möchte sie euch nicht vor enthallten.
For a gasser to be a real honest to goodness gasser, (aside from local rules and conditions!)
1. It has to be steel!!! That's just the way it is so boo hoo to those of you who disagree. "Glass may be fast but steel is the only real!"
2. It has to be home made!!! Most important so all you guys who spent big bucks to buy somebody elses project, Tough Toenails (Unless you can prove that you actually did some of the welding yourself!)
3. It can be any body style or year but the *** thing must look fast. Even if it's a "No go showboat" it just has to have the "Gasser" look.
4. Any engine combo is allowed. Big block, small block, six cyl or even a 4 banger but for the love of Mike DO SOMETHING TO THE THING! WILL YA!!
5. Nitros is a No-No. Keep it simple. EG,.. 14-71 GMC blower, Twin turbos of any make, All kinds of fuel injection except electronic! You know,.. Simple!!
7. The driver has to have control of all functions of the car manually. That is to say, no air shifters,timing retarders, Throttle stops and the like.
6. This is probably the most important of all! Get it to the track and drive the *** out of the car! Bracket racing is cool but if you dont go for king of the hill, then why did you come to the track in the first place?? The stands are full of spectators and so unless you came to win, "Pick out your seat and shut up!!"
Having a gasser is almost as cool as driving one but if I'd have my drothers,.. I'll take the later anyday !
See ya and keep em in the air
1. It has to be steel!!! That's just the way it is so boo hoo to those of you who disagree. "Glass may be fast but steel is the only real!"
2. It has to be home made!!! Most important so all you guys who spent big bucks to buy somebody elses project, Tough Toenails (Unless you can prove that you actually did some of the welding yourself!)
3. It can be any body style or year but the *** thing must look fast. Even if it's a "No go showboat" it just has to have the "Gasser" look.
4. Any engine combo is allowed. Big block, small block, six cyl or even a 4 banger but for the love of Mike DO SOMETHING TO THE THING! WILL YA!!
5. Nitros is a No-No. Keep it simple. EG,.. 14-71 GMC blower, Twin turbos of any make, All kinds of fuel injection except electronic! You know,.. Simple!!
7. The driver has to have control of all functions of the car manually. That is to say, no air shifters,timing retarders, Throttle stops and the like.
6. This is probably the most important of all! Get it to the track and drive the *** out of the car! Bracket racing is cool but if you dont go for king of the hill, then why did you come to the track in the first place?? The stands are full of spectators and so unless you came to win, "Pick out your seat and shut up!!"
Having a gasser is almost as cool as driving one but if I'd have my drothers,.. I'll take the later anyday !
See ya and keep em in the air
Gruß DrOlds
Am Ende wird alles gut und wenn es nicht gut ist, ist es noch nicht fertig.
Fahrzeuge von DrOlds:



Perth / Western Australia
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