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Hallo erst mal vorstellen (english)

Weil mein deutsch nicht so gut ist stell ich mich erst mal vor in english
My name is Rob I'm born in the netherlands and live since 4years in germany (frankfurt) i drive us cars since i was 19years
some of my cars in the past
1978 malibu
1977 caprice
1989 chevrolet c1500
chevrolet caprice 1990
chevrolet caprice 1991
1953 chevrolet 3100 5-window
my pressent car is a chevrolet 3100 5-window 1952 Truck
i owned it since 4,5years
the car has a v8 5,7L corvette engine
Camaro IFS
Caprice Rear end
the frame is boxed
the Truck is a project and is for sale
i have owned many cars in the passed i love to take them apart
its good therapy when im stressed out i go in my garage and work on my truck
i will try to anser in the future in german but i hope you people have some patient with me when i make some mistakes....
Greetings Rob,
My name is Rob I'm born in the netherlands and live since 4years in germany (frankfurt) i drive us cars since i was 19years
some of my cars in the past
1978 malibu
1977 caprice
1989 chevrolet c1500
chevrolet caprice 1990
chevrolet caprice 1991
1953 chevrolet 3100 5-window
my pressent car is a chevrolet 3100 5-window 1952 Truck
i owned it since 4,5years
the car has a v8 5,7L corvette engine
Camaro IFS
Caprice Rear end
the frame is boxed
the Truck is a project and is for sale
i have owned many cars in the passed i love to take them apart
its good therapy when im stressed out i go in my garage and work on my truck
i will try to anser in the future in german but i hope you people have some patient with me when i make some mistakes....
Greetings Rob,

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